Jacqueline Micheal Promoted to Partner

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Jacqueline Michael has been promoted to Partner, effective December 1, 2023. Since joining our firm, Jackie has endured challenging cases and situations but seems to constantly prove that she can handle herself with grace and tenacity. We have heard positive feedback from numerous people about her work. We truly appreciate her grace, integrity, diligence, and synergy, in her work product, and in her relationships with our team and clients. “I am truly honored and humbled to be promoted to Partner at Cox PLLC. The ability to work alongside this caliber of attorneys and serve our awesome clients is a blessing I don’t take lightly.  I look forward to expanding my practice and exploring new ways to advocate for our clients.” – Jacqueline Michael

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Nicole Biscoe has been promoted to Senior Associate

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Nicole was promoted to Senior Associate because she embodies the core values of the firm, which includes putting the clients first! Licensed in Texas and Oklahoma, she continues to prove that she is smart and thorough, and never misses a deadline. Her main focus is taking care of our client’s needs, and she has been an excellent communicator, receiving many compliments from our team as well as claims managers and adjusters. We truly appreciate Nicole’s grace, integrity, diligence, and synergy, in her work product and relationships! “I am so appreciative to be promoted to Senior Associate! At the end of the day, the only thing that matters on earth is where your soul is going when you die, so do what is right by God, not what is right by man, and accepted by our immoral society. I am honored to be part of the Cox PLLC team!” – Nicole Biscoe

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2nd Quarter Newsletter by Jennifer Kelley and Coverage Team!

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Cox PLLC’s insurance coverage attorneys are just amazing! Check out Jennifer Kelley’s team’s attached quarterly newsletter! In this edition, we see updates for general insurance matters, mold, garage auto, MCS-90, etc. Probably a thing or two in here, that each of us in this risk business, can use! Big thanks to Jennifer and her team for creating this resource!

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Lauren Lopez has been promoted to Partner, effective June 12, 2023. Lauren has been an incredible part of our team, providing top service to our clients, who have expressed positive comments on her behalf. She is also known as a team player around the firm, always willing to jump in and assist. We truly appreciate Lauren’s grace, integrity, diligence, and synergy, in her work product, and in her relationships with our team and clients. “I am honored and blessed to be promoted to partner at Cox PLLC.  I am excited to continue working alongside our amazing team and fostering the relationships with our wonderful clients.” – Lauren Lopez

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We are very pleased to announce the promotion of attorney Sarah Schuller to Partner, effective March 2, 2023. Since joining our firm, she has broadened her expertise in handling very serious losses and has proven that she is a valued asset to our clients, who have expressed very positive feedback on her behalf. We truly appreciate Sarah’s grace, integrity, diligence, and synergy, in her work product, and in her relationships with our team and clients. “I am incredibly grateful and honored to be promoted to Partner at Cox P.L.L.C. I look forward to collaborating with our team and clients to continue providing exceptional legal services in line with the core values of our firm.” – Sarah Schuller Congratulations, Sarah!

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In Firm Posts and Publications, Firm Events by coxppllcLeave a Comment

We are very pleased to announce the promotion of Jas Braich to Dallas Managing Partner, effective January 1, 2023. Jas joined our team in May 2018, as Partner, and now has over 20 years of legal experience. In recent years, he has broadened his expertise in handling commercial and catastrophic losses, in various risk lines, and has been originating client business. Additionally, Jas has proven to be a valued asset, to many of our clients, who have expressed very positive and ongoing feedback on his behalf. Jas has moreover exhibited fantastic work ethic, commitment to the team, and consistent/honorable leadership traits. We are so excited to have Jas on our team, as he is the prime example of one who follows our core values: Grace, Integrity, Diligence, and Synergy, in his work product and in his relationships with our team and clients. “I am humbled and honored to be promoted to Managing Partner of the Dallas Office, and look forward to assisting our team and serving our clients in line with the core values of our firm.”  Jas Braich Congratulations, Jas!

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(Denton, Texas) – A unanimous 12-person jury in Denton County, Texas found that our clients, a national trucking company and their driver, were not negligent in an April 19, 2019 three-car accident on Interstate 35 North. Plaintiffs were seeking $1 million. The jury returned a verdict within 45 minutes, answering “No” on the separate negligence questions for each plaintiff, one, a 93-year-old World War II veteran, and the other, his 74-year-old caretaker. Tracy Freeman, Cox’s Houston office managing partner was lead counsel and he was assisted by Steven Shattuck (Of Counsel) and Dominique Johnson (Legal Assistant). The responding police officer ticketed our client driver for failure to control speed. Our client driver accepted responsibility for the accident. However, the jury, after hearing “the rest of the story” concluded they were not negligent. Cox PLLC will be filing a Final Judgment which will include, per the judge’s instructions, an assessment of court costs against Plaintiffs. This is a good reminder for existing and prospective clients that some cases must be tried. The courtroom is a battlefield. Cox PLLC has enduring courage to carry your banner into battle when you draw a line in the sand.

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Marjorie Nicol, Partner, and co-author Jason McLaurin, offer differing opinions on the impact of a Texas Supreme Court decision related to the effect of the Texas Prompt Payment of Claims Act on appraisal. See Journal of Texas Insurance Law, Winter ed. 2022. Full article linked here: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:73205711-2195-480e-9ff9-37d0543f80a8

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