Cox P.L.L.C. is excited to announce the opening of our San Antonio office

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Cox P.L.L.C. is excited to announce the opening of our San Antonio office, located at 200 Austin Highway, Suite 302, in the Alamo Heights area of San Antonio! We are proud to announce that we have four locations: Dallas, Houston, Tulsa, and now San Antonio! This new location will expand our reach in Central and South Texas, advancing our mission to serve clients with top-tier legal services anytime, anywhere!

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Bryan Korri Promoted To San Antonio Managing Partner

In Firm Posts and Publications, Firm Events by coxppllcLeave a Comment

Cox PLLC is excited to announce the promotion of Bryan Korri to San Antonio Managing Partner. Bryan joined our team in December 2023 and has proven to be valued asset to our team and clients. He has continued to exhibit great work ethic and a commitment to the firm. Bryan is a prime example of one who follows our core values: Grace, Integrity, Diligence, and Synergy. “I am extremely excited and humbled to be promoted to Managing Partner of the San Antonio office. I look forward to this great opportunity that Clint Cox and the Cox PLLC team have provided me with, and I look forward to representing the Firm to the high standards set by Clint and expected by everyone working at Cox PLLC. The work culture provided by the Firm is second to no other company, and the work structure fosters a positive work-life balance.” – Bryan Korri

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Congratulations to Partner Lauren Lopez

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Congratulations to Partner Lauren Lopez who obtained a complete dismissal of all claims against a client! This was a premises liability case in Dallas County, and there was conflicting case law allowing the Judge to rule either way.  There was a policy limits demand prior to mediation.  Instead of settling, Lauren argued her Motion and the Plaintiff’s claims against the client were dismissed with prejudice.

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We are very please to announce the promotion of Nicole Biscoe to Partner. “I am honored to be promoted to Partner and honored to be a part of the Cox team at Cox, PLLC to begin with. It is truly a blessing. This firm has been such a blessing in allowing an opportunity to grow my career while providing the steady work/life balance we all deserve and seek. There is no other litigation law firm I would ever work for. The flexibility and collaboration with some of the greatest colleagues is simply unmatched. I will forever be grateful to those at this firm who have taken time out of their schedules to strategize and discuss the best path forward on complex legal issues and providing constant support and encouragement. The culture at Cox, PLLC is unbeatable, to say the least, and the clients are some of the best clients I have ever worked with. I love the team I work with. Everyone is so humble and just the salt of the earth type people, the cream of the crop so to speak. Most of all, I love that God comes first in this business. It is my sincerest gratitude to …

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Great news to share here! Staci Glenn was elected to membership in the Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation.  Fellows of the Foundation are selected for their outstanding professional achievements and their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of the justice system throughout the state of Texas. Election is a mark of distinction and recognition of Staci’s contributions to the legal profession. Selection as a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation is restricted to members of the State Bar of Texas. Each year one-third of one percent of Texas attorneys are invited to become Fellows.  Once nominees are selected, they must be elected by the Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees.  Membership has grown from an initial 255 Charter Members in 1965 to more than 10,000 Fellows throughout Texas today. The Texas Bar Foundation is the largest charitably funded bar foundation in the country. Founded in 1965 by lawyers determined to assist the public and improve the profession of law, the Texas Bar Foundation has maintained its mission of using the financial contributions of its membership to build a strong justice system for all Texans. To date, the Texas Bar Foundation has distributed more than $26 million throughout Texas to Assist …

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Fantastic Commercial Motor Carrier win for our clients!

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Fantastic Commercial Motor Carrier win for our clients! It’s not often any defense matter prevails in “The Valley” of Texas; Hidalgo County! Congrats to our Cox PLLC Team Tracy Freeman, Michael Myers and Viviana Miramontez, on obtaining summary judgement on all claims against our driver and motor carrier! Way to go ya’ll!

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In Firm Posts and Publications, Firm Events by coxppllcLeave a Comment

We are very pleased to announce the promotion of Jas Braich to Dallas Managing Partner, effective January 1, 2023. Jas joined our team in May 2018, as Partner, and now has over 20 years of legal experience. In recent years, he has broadened his expertise in handling commercial and catastrophic losses, in various risk lines, and has been originating client business. Additionally, Jas has proven to be a valued asset, to many of our clients, who have expressed very positive and ongoing feedback on his behalf. Jas has moreover exhibited fantastic work ethic, commitment to the team, and consistent/honorable leadership traits. We are so excited to have Jas on our team, as he is the prime example of one who follows our core values: Grace, Integrity, Diligence, and Synergy, in his work product and in his relationships with our team and clients. “I am humbled and honored to be promoted to Managing Partner of the Dallas Office, and look forward to assisting our team and serving our clients in line with the core values of our firm.”  Jas Braich Congratulations, Jas!

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